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このチュートリアルはスタイル化女性キャラクターの美術宣伝を制作過程を紹介します,講師はキャラクターの簡単な作り方を使います. このチュートリアルで,皆さんは速くモデリングの全過程を身につき,自分で作ったモデルに命を注ぐことができます.分野が広いです
Only $99 for Jose Vega 2 courses, 2D to 3D Techniques & Workflow + Animation & 3D Projection. Jose Vega working as a Sr. Concept Artist for Magic the Gathering. Working with clients like Riot Games, Wizard of the Coast, Fantasy Flight Games, Paizo Publishing, Startling, Inc, Hi-Rez Studios, and others.
3DCGモデリングコースの2セットはわずか68ドルです。 Yuuki Morita 高級バイオデザイン彫刻スキル! ZBrushでコンセプトから最終的な詳細彫刻までのことを学びます。MariとZBrushを使って基本形状及び詳しく、具体的な表面彫刻の作成方法を学びます。同時に、各種のリアルマップの作り方、そしてどのようにMayaを使ってレンダリングすることも学びます。
2 Anime & Stylized Character Courses as low as $68, Stylized characters call for a different level of creativity and drawing skills. In such a teaching process, you will have a basic understanding of Japanese cel shading and be able to create animated matcrials and maps. This is a good chance to quick master the workflow of cel-shading.
2 Game Play & Level Design Courses as low as $38, these courses will teach you from zero. Let's learn from the best artist in the industry, and dive deeper into what makes great level design. Hope you can make comprehensive progress in making skills of game characters VFX in different kinds of games.
The student will learn critical information about human anatomy, form, movement, drawing concepts and rhythm and flow of the human figure.