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Only $89 for Houdini FX 2 courses, For Beginners & Production Procedure of a Movie VFX Scene. You will learn how to create FX that you will actually be doing when you get your first job! Also, the courses cover a complete production procedure of visual effects using Houdini.
2 Blender Bundle Courses as low as $48, Blender is an open-source cross-platform all-around 3D animation production software, providing a series of animated short film production solutions from modeling, animation, material, rendering, to audio processing, and video editing.
48달러의 저렴한 3D 캐릭터 생성 과정 2세트. 기초 이론과 개념부터 시작해, 수강생 여러분은 포트폴리오 작성하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. 디지털 인물 초상화 만드는 방법이 플 프로세스하는 방식으로 보여 드리며 단계별로 딥하게 풀어가도록 하겠습니다. 강사가 오래 쌓온 노하우 공유 드리겠습니다.
2 Master Illustrator Courses as low as $78, including PS Only + 3D Workflow for Concept Art. You will learn how to find the core focus at each stage and complete an illustration step by step. The tutor will go through the entire workflow while explaining his thinking behind each step with an emphasis on the design and the purpose behind every action.
Masterclass Installment as low as $45, you’ll learn every step needed to make the character of your dreams game-ready in UE5, starting from a single idea! A comprehensive guide to those who not only want to watch the steps of a character making but also learn every trick in the book to make their own creations as easy and good-looking as possible.